
Stephanie has been diving since June of 2022. She got into diving because her dad was sad he didn’t have the opportunity to learn scuba diving when he was a kid so he wanted her to learn so that he could live vicariously through her. Stephanie is always up for a new adventure so she definitely wanted to learn how to dive too. Stephanie absolutely loves diving because of the new things she gets to see and the sereneness of it all. She really loves dogs and honestly any animals. Stephanie is a full time student at Fresno State and a Craig Business Scholar. She is a Young Life leader and loves everything about that organization. She has 2 sisters and a brother, as well as 1 nephew. Stephanie has three really cute dogs and she loves them all so much. Stephanie says that she is really happy to have the opportunity to be working at California Scuba because the shop is definitely one of her happy places.